Friday, June 5, 2009

Tips for Healthy Living

Are you a busy entrepreneur or employee who is usually on the go and doesn’t have time for himself and his health? If yes. then this is the best time for you to think about your health and change your lifestyle. Good and healthy living will make you look younger, energetic, and keep you a lot better & fitter for your entire life. So here are some tips for healthy living.

  • Intake Water:- Take a glass of water in the morning. We lose oxygen through the night and to rejuvenate our cells, we need to supply them with water and oxygen. Try to take 8 glass of water every day because dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches, moodiness and even constipation!
  • Exercise:- Make a daily habit to move your body. Exercise not only help us to be in shape but also helps to get much needed nutrients into the tissues through proper burning of food.
  • Try to eat raw fruits and vegetable:- Things like fresh fruits, salads and vegetable juices should be consumed regularly. Fresh foods are high in essential nutrients and minerals. Fiber has a balancing effect on blood sugar levels which prevent constipation and increases the amount of beneficial bacteria in our digestive system.
  • Reduce and balance your fat intake:- Fat calories should be 30 % of total calories. For this try to reduce intake of fried foods, burgers, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream
  • Increase intake of freshly squeezed juice:- Juice intake increase energy, body health and vitality to ten times
  • Think Positive:-Good stress management and stress nutrition can improve both health and happiness.
  • Quit Smoking & Protect yourself from Pollution:- If you can't live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms. As smoke has very harm effect on lungs so avoid smoking
  • Avoid drinking Alcohol and Caffeine:- Give up excess caffeine like tea and coffe and reduce your alcohol intake. Replace your this habit by increasing some healthy intakes like juice, water or milk.

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