Sunday, June 7, 2009

Benefits of 5 Most Nutritious Fruits

Relationship between human beings and fruits is from the times of Adam and Eve. Remember if Eve won't have eaten that apple then this whole world wound not be like this. Fruits are the best friend of human being, they not only keep us healthy but also give us good glowing skin and good feeling. Here I would like to share some benefits of 5 most eaten and nutritious fruits

Mango is known as the king of all fruits as it is the most delicious and nutritious food. Mangoes are excellent source of vitamins C, A and E. It contains up to 40% of our daily fiber requirement. It is also good source of vitamin B-complex, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, folic acid and zinc

  • It is also valuable to combat acidity and poor digestion.
  • Mango is effective in relieving clogged pores of the skin.
  • Mango is high in iron, pregnant women and people with anemia are advised to eat this fruit regularly.

Guava is very good for digestion, it is high in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Folate, Potassium, Copper and Manganese . It is a good fruit if you want to reduce weight because of low saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium

  • Guava is good for Asthma
  • It helps to reduce Obesity Problem
  • It is also for High blood pressure patients.

There is a common say “Apple a day keeps doctor away”. No doubt apples are amazing for controlling blood sugar, it is good source of soluble fiber, especially pectin, which helps control insulin levels by slowing the release of sugar into our bloodstream. It also have bit of vitamin C and potassium.

  • Apple prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion.
  • It help to prevent the formation of kidney stone
  • Eating an apple daily can lower cholesterol and reduce skin diseases

Papaya is high in vitamin C and a good source of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin E and potassium .

  • It contains peculiar and valuable digestive properties.
  • Papaya has also been shown to lower cholesterol levels
  • It prevents the formation of urinary stones

Oranges are excellent source of vitamin C, which help prevent scurvy and also aid in the body's overall natural healing process. It also contain Potassium, Folate, Fiber. Orange is known to lower blood pressure and contain strong anti-inflammatory properties

  • Orange is good for Asthma patients
  • It helps prevent diabetes
  • It is also good for tuberculosis

1 comment:

Advin Charles said...

This is very beneficial health information explain about the 5 most nutritious. Fruits are good for cholesterol and blood circulation. Fruits relieves chilblains and itchy skin.

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